Wednesday, February 16, 2022

garden chronicles, the pool

 today at 7am we got an unexpected caller, someone was here to officially mark the pool for construction! they were to have started in January, but with permit delays we are now officially ready for construction. this is major for us, we never hire anyone, this will be the first contactors we have ever used since we have been married for 38 years, outside of when we built our custom homes, my husband has done EVERYTHING!  

i love to record all garden projects, and so this one begins...


  1. Oh what fun for you! Will you pups get to take a swim too? :)

  2. Yea, it’s about time. Let the construction begin.

  3. Oh, Jain, now you will have the most beautiful way to relax after all your hard work. Which, I am sure will never end..Looks like an amazing site..Happy Weekend..xxoJudy

