Thursday, February 10, 2022

a twisted tale~

our driveway is lined with silk trees, since we purchased this house we don't know how old the trees are, but today was the end of an era. when we first moved in i was enchanted with this woodpeckers nest, year after year they came to their same spot. last year no one came, i couldn't figure it out, i saw them at the feeders, but they were avoiding their tree. 

this morning my husband told me we were losing this tree, suddenly it all became crystal clear! the woodpeckers hole used to face due north, somehow it had moved west???

the tree was actually twisting and buckling, it was completely hollow! you can see daylight from the other side of the tree

the tree was like balsa wood, twisting and corkscrewing to the ground, the birds were well aware a hollow tree is not where you build a nest, and frankly we were lucky it had not crashed on us anytime we were passing by!

i am thrilled to learn why the woodpeckers abandoned their home, my plan is to build them a nesting box using their old hole as as a façade to sturdy nesting box.

 the tree has been removed, the only hardwood was at the base 2" high! 


  1. I think that it's wonderful that you are building a nesting box for the woodpeckers. Please keep us updated.

  2. What a great idea to use the hole and facade from the tree for a nesting box...can't wait to see! ♥

