Sunday, January 9, 2022

greenhouse weekend update~

The greenhouse progress slowed a bit this weekend, shopping for and waiting on supplies keeps things tampened down. We did start the interior siding and window trim pieces, a slow laborious process. I wanted metal siding inside and out, I know from experience wood rots in a greenhouse, I'm giving this one its best shot to stop the rot! 

We put the shelves up, this corner area is where the sink will go, we are waiting on fittings to set in place. Meanwhile I loaded the corner with my french flower buckets and watering cans for easy reach over the sink. 


  1. Adorable! I love your collection of buckets and cans! So smart to use corrugated metal on your interior too! ♥

  2. I have greenhouse envy - what a wonderful place! You will have many enjoyable and relaxing moments in there.

