Tuesday, December 14, 2021

a snowy garden walk!

i am sure most of the nation knows ca is in a severe drought, but this week another atmospheric river came our way. we had heavy rains last night, but when i woke up at 3am i noticed how bright white the backyard looked, i knew there was no way i was looking at moonlight. i grabbed a flashlight and peered outside, well i was like a kid in a candy store, just too excited to go back to sleep, i couldn't wait to get outside with the dogs and watch them go wild!

the first thing i noticed was we were the very edge of the snow line, my neighbor was bright green. 

flora came from our old house, she was burned black and cracked, but my husband surprised me and rescued her after the fire. i can now say she she has been through fire and ice and is still standing! 

i love seeing the red hot pokers in the snow.

they are almost hot enough to melt snow!

i was so excited for rosie to experience snow, unfortunately i wasn't able to get a single action shot, they are wild running 100s of feet away from me, non stop action, plus who should i focus on?!

even cassie came on the walk and rolled in the snow.

love seeing the color poke through

buffy looks at home in the snow

the rose garden was enchanting...

if i even pause by a bench they instantly get cute...

katie always howls when posing

the winds were 60 mph, so happy to see the greenhouse framework still standing!

frog holler was looking extra cute seeing my many frogs chilled

was happy to see all the birds survived...

i have 6 bird feeders that i have to refill every other day

the snow may have been short lived, but it was loved!

and so is rosie!


  1. I love to see flowers bloom in the snow!

  2. Jain, wasn't it magnificent? I don't think people in other parts of the country can quite make us out when we say we absolutely love the snow and get giddy over it. The girls are so cute. When we had a beautiful Buddy he loved the snow but our two kids now absolutely hate it and won't even leave the sidewalk to do what they have to and streaks come right back into the house..Hope you and hubby have a wonderful Christmas holiday my friend..xxoJudy

  3. Oh what a fun surprise, Christmas early! How interesting your property line was the dividing line with your neighbor staying green. Love seeing the vibrant reds against the snow and your girls in action, lovin' the snow too! Too funny with Katie howling at picture time. :)

