Saturday, April 24, 2021

a neighborly visit~

 my neighbor texted one evening saying look out the window, for the first time since she had lived on her property, over 3 decades, she had 2 visiting white pelicans! i asked if they were still there in the morning if i could come down early, i was rewarded handsomely, but the pics are all blurry, she has a large pond and they were at the farthest end...

it was exciting seeing these large birds, they stand 4' tall with a 9' wing span. i missed their exit, i had just turned my back to admire her garden when they lifted off, i fumbled for my camera and glasses and missed the whole thing as they flew off to the west shortly after the dawns first rays.

with so much beauty on her property i was easily entertained with her other flora and fauna...

they have 40 babies, since the sun was still low they were barely stiring, looking like a nursery at nap time. 

her sweet kitty knew how to pose picture perfect...

i would love to get back and take more pics in the daylight, but in the early rays these yellows were vibrant

thank you for letting me see your special guests! 


  1. Thank you for capturing these birds. You pictures are beautiful! Such talent in so many ways.

  2. Great shots! What a fun sight to see. Love those adorable goats! Such a sweet posing kitty too :)

  3. The pelicans are gorgeous birds!

