Monday, January 18, 2021

wrestle mania~

 i give up trying to get in focus puppy pics, i rarely have my camera on hand when working in the garden, i worry more about forgetting it and ruining it to the elements, so i have to think to bring it to capture the moments, and there are millions of moments each hour and day they get cuter and cuter! with that said, here is a brief camera walk with the dogs, its endless, fun, non stop joy, it is just hard for me to capture them in crystal clear sharpness and brightness when they are constantly on the move!


  1. Oh, what joy! They look so happy to be together. I would never get anything else done but watching them all day..Stay well..xxoJudy

  2. Rosie's growing so fast...don't you wish you could put the breaks on?! Puppy and doggy bliss, I bet they sleep good at night too. :)

