Tuesday, December 1, 2020

christmas is for the birds...

ok, i'm talking owls specifically! 

hand built by my husband~

who climbed up 15' to install

 excited for spring to see if we get any takers! 


  1. Owl houses! How wonderful! We hear hoot owls here frequently, and often see tiny Elf Owls during the day, and sometimes Burrowing Owls, too, who share the prairie dog tunnels with "dogs" and stand sentinel on the mounds of dirt around the tunnel entrances.

    1. How fun! I have only heard them, I can't wait to see them 😍

  2. I love owls. We used to have two in our valley. It was so fun to hear them. I don't know where they went. Can't wait to see if you get any.

  3. Oh, I hope you get good results. Owls are such gorgeous birds and to be able to see them raise a family would be wonderful..Stay well..xxoJudy

  4. I hope you do I have never heard of owl houses.

  5. We have them around this time of year and we hear them hooting early in the morning before the sun comes up! Ours are the large great horned owls. We have a famous pair that nest in a families balcony and window box. They usually lay eggs in the winter and hatch when it's so cold. They have a web cam most years so viewers can watch. https://www.facebook.com/OKCOwlCam/ It's fascinating to watch them from their hatch to fledge! We always hope they return each year!

    1. I love these owl stories! I have been hearing two great horned owls for a week, I read they like open nests, plus be certain you want them, since they are vicious with their talons and can kill 15 pound pets 😱

      I am trying to coax the western screech owl, time will tell, I read to have boxes in place by January.

  6. Scott is so handy! Can't wait to see if you get any residents! ♥

