Saturday, September 19, 2020

Around the garden~

Since our old house burned down a month ago in Vacaville we have been pretty despondent, the skies were so thick with smoke you didn't want to be outdoors. Yesterday, for the first time in over a month, the sky was clear, it didn't last, but it did wonders for our moral. I took the camera for a short walk, starting in the orchard....

I was thrilled to see the almonds were ripe on my last tree

Loved the morning light shining bright...

I have never seen this before, they look like bumpy rubber balls, but they are seed pods on my dogwood. 

The metal picture frames for climbing roses on the casita add a little more texture to a dull wall.

My rue has been blooming nonstop since spring, smothering the table in blue.

Love the abundant overflow...

We always have projects going, but the fire stopped all forward progress, frankly I just didn't care about anything... I am project driven, with a wide open calendar I think it keeps you stuck in limbo, I needed to focus and get back to living at our best. 

This week I ordered transfer loads of fill dirt and we were able to pick up the pace again with two projects. First up is the barn, I wanted a large level patio to hold a picnic table so I can visit my husband in his new shop to be, and to have a place to collect my harvests from the orchard. My husband gets the inside, but I will have a little play area for fruits and picnics on the backside. 30 yards later its level, it will have pavers, planters and furniture for a comfy spot to lounge around the barn.

The two new iris borders, 140' long each, got their irrigation in place. I was thrilled yesterday when a much needed wood chips truck stopped by allowing me to finish mulching both beds today. 

Our other project is setting up my nursery, a place to nurture plants. The plan is to have a greenhouse, then send all plants here to harden off and grow. It will be a two tiered fenced in area from the deer with pavers, gates, grow tables, plant racks and a potting trough. It backs up to an irrigation canal, tucked under an oak tree for a shady spot to rest in our hot summers. I jumped out of my skin the other day, when sitting serenely, sudden two ducks noticed me plunged squawking into the canal, I am not used to living with water fowl!


  1. Beautiful.

    Look at all that survived.

    1. Sandi this is our current house of a few years, thankfully no fire here, it was our other home of 31 years that is nothing but scorched earth for 582 square miles, second largest fire in California's history. The landscape is nothing but ash and charcoal for 1000s of homes 😭

  2. Good Morning. All your plans sound so great. We actually got some of that heavy smoke all the way here in Illinois about a week ago. It was so strange to see that here so I can only imagine how thick it was for you. Fires, Hurricanes, Virus I tell you some days it is hard to get out of bed to hear the news. We can all hold onto hope and moving forward. I am happy for you that you can see new beginnings and changes in your home that you are in now. Have a great week. xoxo Kris

    1. Thank you, I agree, its been a neck of a year, I just pray for health and happiness for all!

  3. Your garden looks beautiful and what a gorgeous view of the surrounding hills. You will probably mourn for your lost home forever, it was a beautiful spot also. Sounds like you are moving along with your projects and hopefully the times to come will be more suitable to a life of contentment. They have to get better..Stay well..xxoJudy

    1. Thank you, we are so blessed to have purchased this new home for retirement and to still have a place called home.

  4. I just noticed that I was not following you, so now I am. I do follow through e-mail though, so I always know when you put out a new post..Stay well..xxoJudy

  5. I am glad you are safe. I also have to have a project list.

  6. I've been thinking of you. I can't imagine the fear you must still live with, not to mention the smoke or ash everywhere. Love seeing your projects, I wish I had your vision and energy! That retaining wall by your barn looks like back breaking work. :) I can't wait to see the climbing roses on your new metal frames. I laughed at your ducks, they can be so loud squawking at times. We have a group of 8 - 10 visiting and waddling in our yard eating the spilled sunflower seed underneath the birdfeeders. Praying for rain your way and end to the fires, thinking of you. ♥

  7. I envy your lake life, you can always flee by boat in an emergency too! How cute you have so many ducks, I never expect them and they have startled me often in the canal.

  8. Your projects are brilliant. In "The Writing Life," Annie Dillard said that a schedule (projects/goals) provides scaffolding, giving form to the "wreckage of time." I'm paraphrasing. But she's right. Like you, I have projects that are as essential as air. I'm in the garden every single moment. I am grateful to be there. We had tornadoes this spring, and much of our time went to clearing trees from the roof. I decided to wait until autumn to do serious planting. I am charmed by your patio by the barn (I'm building, too; waiting for dirt and amendments), and I cannot wait to see your greenhouse. A hardening-off spot will be perfect. I had to set up a rose ICU on the porch after the tender leaves were ravaged in a matter of days by aphids and heaven knows what else. I hope to plant 57 roses this fall--and a bunch of hydrangeas, irises, daffodil bulbs. I am happy with the progress. As long as I'm able, I hope to *always* have multiple projects. Dillard says the scaffolding gives us both hands to work. She meant that metaphorically, but it works literally, too, especially for a gardener. Glad you and Scott are well and happy. Onward.

    1. I love your visits, do you still use your Gollum email, sent you an email there if you still have access there.

      Love that scaffolding of time, right now my head is so focused again days disappear, sadly I need Scott to make it all come to fruition! Since march he works from home, didn't expect 12-16 hour days, I see less of now then in our 36 years together!

      Are you sharing your photos anywhere, would love to see your garden again! I remember your darling potting shed with the tall roof. Love your plant list, 57 roses, I am sure you have been pouring over rose catalogs, I cannot tell you how much joy I get from my rose garden. I love sharing fresh flowers with others, I give them baskets and clippers and say cut to your hearts desire, I love it when they get home they text me photos of their bouquets, I should have started a collection of those pics!

      Thank you for visiting, love to see your projects and fall plantings, keep me posted!

  9. I just emailed you. Yesterday, I ordered more roses--Princess Charlene de Monaco, Julia Child, Jude the Obscure, and more. I have a ton of catmint to plant in front of the Earth Angels. My husband asked what I wanted for our 42nd anniversary next month; without hesitation, I said a Gorilla cart--and more David Austin roses, of course.

  10. I just emailed you. Yesterday, I ordered more roses--Princess Charlene de Monaco, Julia Child, Jude the Obscure, and more. I have a ton of catmint to plant in front of the Earth Angels. My husband asked what I wanted for our 42nd anniversary next month; without hesitation, I said a Gorilla cart--and more David Austin roses, of course.

