Saturday, June 13, 2020

a quiet rose garden...

right now my rose garden is very docile, gone is the first flush of spring, that is a riot of color when several hundred roses bloom madly and passionately like a chorus reaching to the heavens. it is dead heading time, a major undertaking, which requires on onsite shredder, which keeps breaking... parts have been taking weeks instead of days, stretching out my color void to an unbearable amount of time... thank heavens for the Shasta daisies brilliant white entrance, it delights me everytime I pass by...
there are only a handful of roses able to show off...
and I am always grateful to greet them~

1 comment:

  1. Gorgeous! Do you have a gas power shredder or an electric one? I'd love to see some action and deadheading shots with your garden beauty. What kind of rose fertilizer do you use for all those gorgeous blooms you get?

