Thursday, April 9, 2020

morning walk~

we are always in need of rain in the west, but I would love a sunny day here and there, so tired of wearing a parka and getting sprinkled on daily, wet clothes clinging day in and day out gets a wee bit tiresome... but I still must visit my garden rain or shine, and that I NEVER tire of~

clematis montana is beginning to climb up the swing

weigela is trying to bloom, although beaten flat on the ground

special sunsets have me singing purple mountains majesty...


  1. Beautiful! You have so many different colors. 😊

  2. Thanks! I needed some flowers and sunshine. It is a snowstorm here right now. The sunsets are beautiful! Thanks for sharing.

  3. Glorious sunset views from all your homes! Beautiful blooms... the colors so saturated and gorgeous with the rain drops ♥

  4. Thank you so much for sharing this beauty with us!

