Monday, November 11, 2019

garden chronicles, in the rose garden

outside the rose garden gate the border has a spot color with Clarence reblooming iris and Shasta daises...
cassie lounges on the sofa while I stroll the garden...
the hardscapes are really taking shape
the west gate is installed, it will be planted with white clematis, the entry is lined with miniature white roses
the columns are temporarily upright, it will take time to paint and mortar in place 
any signs of weeds are the site of future pathways yet to be installed...
still very much under construction, the pathways need to be edged in concrete with rebar, then covered with mulch, for a sturdy clean finish.
this opening is the last gate to come, it will be an arched wooden gate, large enough for the tractor to drive in for maintenance.
even though this is an active construction zone, it has not once stopped the roses from blooming nonstop~
every morning I visit the rose garden before the sun has even risen, its my favorite go to spot on the property, nothing more gorgeous then the dawns first light hitting the rose buds as I breath in the scent of the day...


  1. Oh, Jain, you have created a masterpiece. The gate is exceptional. I have a weakness for cupped roses and planted 6 last year, including an Earth Angel (I was on a long waiting list). They are so like peonies. Give Cassie a big hug from Aunt Michael.

    1. Love when you stop by, if you take up blogging again let me know, I adore seeing your pics and garden! I have earth angel, it is gorgeous, but aren't they all!

