Monday, February 25, 2019

garden walk

we are due for another deluge of storms the next couple of weeks, another atmospheric river, I have seen as much as ten inches this week, decided to take a morning walk before the rains hit in a few hours...
first up is filling the feeding stations, this is stripped clean every other day, actually, the finch feeder should be filled daily, every two days I lug out pounds of seeds. the only reason why this is empty of birds now is because I am standing there, otherwise this is my version of tv, I sit in my comfy chair reading and watching 100s of birds feeding from dawn to dusk, it's a costly habit, we go thru a couple hundred pounds of food every other week, I would be better off buying a horse!
I relish the few bits of color on the gray horizon...
I planted close to a 1000 daffodils spread around the property, this group is forging its way up...

as always, Katie is unbearably cute in my eyes...



  1. Wow, how lovely - you have a lot of property!! Spring comes early to your area, I guess....everything here is still buried under snow. Feeding the birds is expensive, no doubt, but they bring so much pleasure to our mornings!

  2. 1000 Daffodils! Wow how beautiful that is going to look. Daffodils are such a happy flower. When we lived in California years ago we loved visiting Daffodil Hill up above Jackson in the foothills. They have been getting lots of rain and snow too!

  3. Your hard work will pay off in smiles soon☺️👍

