Friday, December 25, 2015

christmas beach walk







~a merry christmas to all~


  1. Beautiful scenery for your coastal Christmas! I love seeing the snow-capped peaks in the distance! We are unseasonably warm here, and were in flip flops yesterday, no frost or snow in the forecast. Doggy bliss is the best, I love seeing them romp and play in the water! Merry Christmas week to you. :)

  2. A very different day from our inland one, but have to say it ours too was delightful. Much quieter and less adventuresome than yours. Enjoy the last week of 2015.

  3. Gorgeous photos!! This weather is crazy! We had to turn our air conditioning back on yesterday!

  4. Great photos! What an amazing day. I love the chasing photo. Thank you for sharing such a different landscape compared to my hills and prairie life.

    Beautiful pictures of the water, sand, cliffs , loved it all. Yours dogs were fun to look at, they were having such fun. Thank you, loved your post!

  6. We got pounded with a foot of snow! Looks so marvelous to be walking on the beach. Love your story about hubby - that is getting in touch with his inner child!!! Just like the kids would do.
    Your boots are beautiful in the swirling water. Looks like everyone had a marvelous time.

