Saturday, May 24, 2014

private edens

my passion has always been the garden, when you are enthralled with nature wherever you go your eyes are always enchanted. my husband sees the road, gas stations, mcdonalds, i see endless green, golden hills, evergreens, fruit trees, wisps of flowers or banks of color. i am never bored in life, as long as i can i see, my passion allows everyday to be new and exciting when seeking beauty.

"Beautiful Country Gardens is a lavishly photographed book that highlights personal country gardens primarily in the northeastern and mid-Atlantic states. Each gardens is unique and reflects the owner's vision and plant material complimentary to its particular zone."

"i wanted a heady garden everywhere and plants to attract the bees, butterflies, and birds to give the garden life". me too...

"the passionate garden maker is also a self professed "plantaholic" and truly tireless in her pursuit of the rare and interesting, scouring catalogues, driving hundreds of miles to visit the out-of-the-way nurseries with storied stock, patiently hunting the most interesting variegation, the most exquisitely hued blossoms, the most winning bloom time or habit, and always arriving home from the excursion with an SUV laden to the rafters with plant material."

its like my life is splayed out before me, except i used a truck and no matter what i bought i maxed out at 500$ as the most i could squeeze in and haul home safely.

well chosen architectural elements vie with the punch of blossom color to provide visual and textural interest, coupled with water features, gorgeous glimpses and artistic touches abound.

as i scrolled down the pictures above i realized how many similarities i too have in my country garden...



iron work...




and gazebo...

ok, so i lack a life size chess board, i can still enjoy plenty of moves in my garden...

with just a quick click you garden walk doesn't have to end, off you go through the garden gate to visit...


  1. Oh you are too clever and your Private Eden rivals anyone's! The scrabble garden version too fun...they eat their words :) I'm off to do moving, sorting and all sorts of unfun house work this morn when I'd rather be gardening. I'll be back to look at your wonderful photos on the big screen and pin this afternoon!

  2. Well that was GREAT fun and beautiful on the big screen! I'm green and glorious purple with garden envy with all your dazzling garden details. All your spectacular collages... *sigh*...they look better than the book. I adore your Jain-style garden lunch, those mini pots of chocolate dirt cheesecake with mint sprigs are too clever! Leave it to you to have a Gardening Edition of Scrabble :) Thanks all you share, my Garden of Weedin' will never compare even with years of growth!

  3. Truly an Eden, worthy of being in the pages of An Invitation to the Garden and Private Edens. Everything you touch is golden. I've only been semi-seriously gardening for a year, so I can only imagine what went into your Eden...but it was worth it. Just to see these photos, I am swept away, charmed, inspired, and filled with wonder. Love your mint chocolate pots (mine are still in the box) and the garden tool salad servers and your finials and birdbaths and garden art. I love your evergreen-filled truck and the little niche by the sea. Sigh. I'm coming back for second and third helpings. And I want Bandy to see. (Bandy, if you're reading this, I hope you are inspired! )I think back to how I met you one Christmas and was swept off my feet by your blog, Blue Moon, and then I became a Darling Baker--my fictional heroine, Teeny, was born in that blog. How many ways have you and Mary touched me with grace? So many. I have been dodging bad weather for the past week, and I was lucky until today: I just finished part of tomorrow's photos when a monsoon hit. Now I'm wondering how to take pictures of the chipotle stuff in the damp dark...rain is predicted in Tennessee for the next 5000 years. Maybe I will binge watch Breaking Bad instead!

  4. Your garden is so beautiful...I truly could not tell where the book left off and your garden began.

