Sunday, December 1, 2019

turkey pilaff...


  1. What a wonderful combo of flavors! So envious of your citrus and pom grove :) Still fresh in my mind from your FFT/Nigella introduction to me. I adore your styling, I can practically taste the fruit! Thanks for another delicious offering from Nigella, see you again tomorrow when I bring something to the table :)

  2. Jain, I could look at these photos for hours, savoring the colors and sunlight in your California garden. I agree with Mary: your styling is magical. The adorable red snowflake casserole adds a festive touch (I awoke to snow, just a dusting, already gone). I'll post Foodie Friday and Nigella tomorrow, a bit early, as I'm going wi/ W. to the hospital for more tests. Fingers crossed. He has enjoyed Nigella Week. xxoo

