Friday, May 24, 2013

they said no...

a jacaranda will not grow in our climate~

good thing i didn't listen and searched high and low to special order one from far away ;-)

oh, and i got TWO~


  1. I had to google that beautiful tree as I had never heard of it. It's supposed to grow in subtropical areas. How lovely that you are able to grow it...and oh so beautiful!
    What a lovely place for a pretty table for two and a great setting for afternoon tea and delightful desserts. Great job decorating the cookies! :)

  2. Jacarandas are so other-in-law had a couple down in Florida back in the 70's. I love the red bottlebrush trees, too.
    Cute cookies.
    Have a great week...

  3. We had Jackaranda trees lining our street when I was a kid and in the spring our street was so incredibly beautiful. Purple as far as you could see. The only bummer is they drop this sticky sap on your car when you park under them, but so lovely to look at.

  4. Such a fun story, Jain. The jacarandas are so perfect in your garden. I am longing for a bite of the chocolate squares; and your butterfly cookies are beautiful! No matter what is going on at the farm or the renovation, your photos always make me happy!

  5. Love the blooms! I'm not familiar but oh so gorgeous and I see a little coordinating lavender blooms sprinkled on those decadent chocolate bars! Gorgeous setting, perfect & delicious for butterflies, birds and hummers! I love when you mix food and flowers at the table :)

  6. As you can see I'm moving down through the posts that I've missed. Ditto what I said above. Love this California setting. Your inland abode is just as special as Sea Dream. Oh, what beauty!

