Monday, May 6, 2013

beach life in may


  1. Gorgeous pictures!! You've done about a years' worth of blogging in one post according to my pace of things.

    So many pretties, delicious things, beautiful things and action shots, too. A nice visit! Thank you for sharing. xo

  2. I'm so sorry to hear about your irritating, nosey neighbor, what a way to wreck your peaceful time at your beach house. However, your pictures were beautiful. I laughed at your description of yourself in your summer clothes! I can totally relate, I just attended a black tie event with my husband and I swear, every woman there was a size two. Seriously, I just wanted to go home. My youngest daughter told me that comparison is a joy stealer. She is so right, I was really looking forward to this night and ended up leaving feeling old and FRUMPY! Don't let that busy body steal your joy either!

  3. Another feast for the senses. I am land-bound and had to look up negative tide. Loved that you saved the crab--and the photo of the dangling starfish made me smile. Miracles every square inch.

  4. Oh, more amazing photos. I've not heard the term negative tide. Always learn interesting things from your blog. '-)

  5. I've heard of high tide and low tide, but I have never heard of minus tide. I would love to experience that. Loved the starfish photos. So many of them and they really look a good size. I would've loved to see them all.
    Your baking looked delish this week. How did you make that top crust on those darling pie cookies? They look just wonderful!

  6. minus tides are extra wonderful, they happen from may to july a few times a month, it is wonderful to have huge expanses open up that you are not normally privy too. schools bring kids in by the busloads, its a very busy time for exploring.

    cippy i used a latice wheel that i have and streched it over the cookie and cut them out with a glass. i think next time i would skip the egg wash since i spread jam around, or else do the wash before i cut them on the cookie.

    they are tasty little cuties, i used my balsamic strawberry jam that i had made and gobbled them up very quickly!

  7. Your life is full of beauty, baking and beachside bliss~ it shouldn't be filled with busybodies too :) I never heard the term minus tides~ love the sea life!

  8. Wow, at every turn in your diary I wanted to comment...First, sounds like most of Monday sucked! Hand up and a little twitch of the head to her. Give her no more of your mind time...she's not worth it sounds like. Too many good people to bother with ugly ones!
    I suspect you spend a lot of time washing dogs...I can see they love that water!
    Love the photos of the live starfish...
    I also love the love story you share of you and your husband....truly an awesome thing.
    Keep smiling, snapping and cooking as it's good for your soul!

