Tuesday, April 9, 2013

sitting pretty...


  1. Such fun to visit with you, Jain. The setting and tablescape are perfectly in tune. I'm intrigued by the mixed white flowers. Camellias and ?? The views go on forever and ever, beguiling and exotic. Your garden must be fragrant, what with the flowers and lemons and oranges. Heaven!

  2. Sitting pretty indeed, what a gorgeous yellow & green table! Your hillside view is as breathtaking to me as your seaside one. Love the blooming watering can and flowering tablecloth!

  3. Absolutely beautiful! I love the mass of white flowers! The table is simple yet the flowers make it feel extravagant!

  4. Doesn't matter which home you are in, you have million dollar views at either place. Loving the green and yellow of this table. Sheer perfection in every detail! This makes me long for a lemon pie. ;-)

