Wednesday, December 26, 2012

december month at the beach~


back just in time to grab the dogs for a low tide beach walk. beach was crowded, after being cooped up with storms having a sunny day was a welcome sight for all.






  1. I feel like a voyeur reading a private diary excerpt... :) Sounds like a perfect holiday~ what fun to geocache and find your Christmas present!

    Gorgeous greenery with sea foam glass bubbles at the table and it goes without saying that I love your Reindog!

    Beauty everywhere around you, including the winery...I would be a lush :)

  2. Like Mary, I feel like I'm intruding into a private diary. I can relate to these thoughts. My husband used to hide my Christmas presents for me to discover.......a little pouch containing a piece of jewelry hanging on the tree, an umbrella under my pillow, beautiful pearl earrings among a stocking filled with costume jewelry.....all thoughtful ways to say he cares. Simple little things throughout our marriage that make me appreciate our relationship even more. Loved reading this, Jain, and the images of your Christmas table are dreamy.

